Liturgical Coordinators prepare the bread, wine, and vessels prior to Mass, ensures adequate liturgical ministers are available (address any of their questions), makes sure the liturgical space is ready for worship, (candles lit, lights on, etc.), assists with cleanup after Mass and handles the logistics for Mass. Liturgical Coordinators are needed for each of the weekend masses. This task may be shared with other coordinators on a rotating schedule. Training will be provided. For more information on this ministry, please contact Bob Soeder.
Eucharistic Ministers serve the community in the distribution of Eucharist at liturgies and by taking Eucharist to the sick within the parish community. Fully initiated individuals who are senior in high school or older are eligible. Diocesan training required. Training sessions are held in the spring and fall. For more information on becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please contact Bob Soeder.
Altar Servers assist the Presider at liturgical celebrations. Fifth grade through adults are welcomed to inquire about this volunteer opportunity. If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact Bob Soeder.
Assists in the seating worshippers, taking up collections, straighten up at the conclusion of mass, and on occasion perform other tasks. If you are interested in this welcoming ministry, please contact Bob Soeder.
Word Ministers serve the community through the proclamation of scripture by taking time to prayerfully prepare prior to the liturgical celebration. Please contact Bob Soeder if you are interested in this ministry.
The Art and Environment Committee assists in designing, preparing, and readying the church for seasonal celebrations all year around such as Advent, Ordinary Time, Lent and Easter. Needed are people willing to decorate, gather necessary items, move furniture, sew, plant, etc. Please contact June Scherrer for dates and times of preparations.
Cantors lead the assembly to participate fully and actively during Eucharistic Liturgies through their gift of voice and song. Practices are on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30pm in Church (unless otherwise indicated). Cantors are scheduled for all weekend liturgies throughout the year. If you are interested in being a Cantor, please contact Bob Soeder.
122 times in Scripture, we are commanded to SING TO THE LORD!
The St. Mary Magdalene Choir helps us all in our call to full, active, conscious participation at Mass. The choir adds to the artistic quality of the music at weekend liturgical celebrations and other events throughout the year. Choir season starts around Labor Day, and continues through Pentecost. Practices are on Thursday evenings at 6:45pm in Church (unless otherwise indicated), every Thursday except the first Thursday of the month. Choir typically sings 11:00am Mass on Sundays. If you are interested in being a member of the choir, please contact Bob Soeder.
The Mourning Glories Choir provides the assembly with prayerful support and leadership in music at funeral liturgies. Funerals are typically scheduled at 10:30am, and sporadic participation is fine - you are invited to sing when it fits your schedule. If you are interested in being a part of this spiritual, musical group, please contact Bob Soeder for more information.
Musicians support the choir and assembly, and enrich the artistic quality of music for worship. Instruments are welcome at all weekend liturgies. Musicians practice with the choir, on Thursday evenings during choir season. If you play an instrument and are interested in being a St. Mary Magdalene Musician, please contact Bob Soeder for more information.
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Community
32114 Vine Street
Willowick, OH 44095