PSR (Families in Faith)

Families In Faith (PSR)

Thank You for Helping Us Build Our Families in Faith Library!

In honor of November and the month of Gratitude, our students, parents, and teachers made thank you cards to show their appreciation for the books you donated to our SMM Religious Education Library. These valuable resources serve as supplemental materials to the lessons taught within our PSR / Families in Faith classroom as well as our Sacramental Preparation Programs. Thank you for helping our children continue to grow in their faith.                         

Stacy Polasko

(Principal and Religious Education Leader)

Families in Faith is a multigenerational family Parish School of Religion program that is for everyone! All are welcome. 

Using Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, PSR curriculum is centered on the Sunday liturgy in a way that is engaging, easy to teach, and involves the family.

Click here to download the 2024-25 PSR Schedule

From 9:15am to 10:45am, multi-generational family sessions with breakfast are held one Sunday each month, and in-person classes for children from Kindergarten through Grade 8 are held two Sundays per month. See calendar for session dates.

Now that classes have begun, online registration is closed. If you still need to register for Families in Faith, please stop in the parish office or email Stacy Polasko.

Families from other parishes are welcome to register for PSR with the permission of their pastor. For more information about our PSR program, please contact our Parish Office: (440) 943-2133.

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